Strengthen our collections

The importance of donations/bequests

Even leaving aside the wealth of information that is contained in such records, which is not always clear to the heirs, they also possess growing importance as sources of art-historiographical research. In short, they are unique sources of information.

Accelerated access

Art historians’ archives frequently contain rare photographs and annotated books, personal notes and correspondence. Since these are important resources, accelerating access to these special collections for those wishing to consult them has been a priority within our activities for some years now.


Permanent access

The Rubenianum pursues an active acquisitions policy in regard to these collections, which receive professional care in the work of arranging and describing their contents and ensuring their online access. Furthermore, these collections will remain permanently accessible for future generations of researchers.

Do you want to draw our attention to the existence of, or request the evaluation of, an art-historical archive? Are you considering adding your documentation or personal library to the collection of the Rubenianum? If so, please contact us at